Comenius University in Bratislava is a modern European university that in 2019 celebrated its 100th anniversary. It is the only Slovak university to be regularly ranked in the international rankings of the best universities in the world. With thirteen faculties, it offers the widest selection of study programmes (over 900) at three levels, and several of these study programmes are the only ones of their kind offered in Slovakia. There is a wide range of areas of human knowledge to choose from when studying, be it in medicine, the humanities, and social sciences, the natural sciences, mathematics, theology, and much more.

Comenius University is a research institution that runs hundreds of domestic and international research projects. As a result, many of the students engage in important research during their studies and can actively participate in projects, grants, and professional internships (including abroad).

Every year Comenius University sends the highest number of students abroad out of all Slovak universities, and it receives the most international students, including from such places as Germany, Norway, Greece, Iran, Austria, and Iceland.

Researchers’ Bios

Eduard Nižňanský is a member of the Department of General History at the  Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University, Bratislava. In his research, Prof. Nižňanský focuses on Holocaust, National socialism, and international relations in 1933 – 1945. He has published 20 monographs and 100 scientific studies (published in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, and USA). He has lectured in Olomouc (Czech Republic), Krakow (Poland), Vienna (Austria), Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Saarbrucken (Germany), Jerusalem, and Beer Sheva (Israel). Among his publications are The Holocaust in Slovakia (6 volumes); Slovak-German relationship 1938 – 1945 in Documents (2 volumes – Slovak-German); The Jewish Community in Slovakia between the Czechoslovak Parliamentary Republic and the Slovak State in the Central European Context (Prešov: Universum 1999, Slovak); Nazism, The Holocaust, The Slovak State. Bratislava (Kalligram 2010, Slovak); The Policy of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in Slovakia 1938 – 1945 (Banská Bystrica : Múzeum SNP, 2016, Slovak); Antisemitism und Holocaust in der Slowakei in Dokumenten deutscher Provenienz 1938 – 1945 (Banská Bystrica : Múzeum SNP, 2021, Slovak – German). He served as the editor of „Judaica et Holocaustica“ (11 anual volumes). 

Katarína Bohová holds a double degree in History and Slovak Language and Literature from the Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava (2013 – 2019). In 2021 she started working on her Ph.D. in the General History Department at the same faculty. In her dissertation, she analyses the Image of Enemy in European history in the 20th century. She also focuses on anti-Semitism and Holocaust in Slovakia 1939 – 1945.